Monthly Archives: July, 2024

  1. The Cryptocurrency Illusion: The Unseen Risk of Partaking in Digital Dreams

    Cryptocurrency has gained popularity over the past decade, often touted as the future of finance and a revolutionary investment opportunity to some. However, beneath the dazzling allure of the possibility of high returns lies an often volatile and speculative market fraught with potential risks. Prudent investors beware, cryptocurrencies can wage war and cause potential destruction…

  2. Beyond Fear and Greed: Mastering the Investor’s Dilemma in Turbulent Times

    “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.” – William James (1842-1910)1 In 2023, A Gallup Survey found that 61 percent of Americans reported owning a stock, including any stated ownership in a 401(k) or IRA.2  Of the Americans who are invested, many…

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