Mark Matson on Fox Business’ Varney & Co

Mark joined Fox Business’ Varney & Co where he shared his insight into current market trends, what to avoid, and how investors can wrap up their year.

When it comes to Crypto, Mark warned investors to stay away from this investment vehicle at all costs. “When you buy crypto, you have absolutely nothing,” he said. “There’s no company, there’s no bond, there’s no stock. It operates off of the bigger fool theory. The right price of crypto of any type is an actual zero.”

He also touched on many investors’ concerns over current economic unrest and war. “It would be easy to assert or believe that war means markets go down,” he said. “Historically though, there are no correlations. Avoid panic at all costs. You want to have a globally diversified portfolio.”

He wrapped the segment by reminding investors of the importance of a prudent, globally diversified portfolio that is systematically rebalanced.  “It’s the hardest thing to do, sell high and buy low, because it goes against human nature,” he said.

Check out our YouTube page to watch more of Mark’s network appearances.


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