Category Archives: Thought Leadership

  1. Beyond Fear and Greed: Mastering the Investor’s Dilemma in Turbulent Times

    “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.” – William James (1842-1910)1 In 2023, A Gallup Survey found that 61 percent of Americans reported owning a stock, including any stated ownership in a 401(k) or IRA.2  Of the Americans who are invested, many…

  2. The Journey Toward Disillusionment and How Not to Lose Faith in Your Investing Strategy When the Deck Feels Stacked Against You

    Investing can often feel like navigating a labyrinth, especially when market predictions fail and your portfolio takes a hit. Investors, swayed by so-called experts, may find their faith in their investing strategy fading as they face losses and uncertainties. It is critical for investors to build their investing strategy on prudent investing principles, so they…

  3. Navigating The American Dream in 2024: Mark Matson’s Insights in Wealth Management’s Market Outlook

    The current state of the economy is threatening some investors’ American Dream. With inflation rising, and some savings accounts dwindling, some investors are poised to make potentially disastrous decisions around their investing strategy and financial future. Founder and CEO Mark Matson shared his insights in to the current economic landscape and future of the American…

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