Mark Matson on the Watch List: There’s Still Opportunity to Create Your American Dream

Mark joined Schwab Network’s The Watch List with Nicole Petallides live from the New York Stock Exchange to share his insights on how investors can help protect their American Dream.

Mark Matson: The American Dream Still Holds True Today

He shares how most people are dramatically under invested, what it will take for most people to retire comfortably, and the importance of avoiding stock picking, market timing, and track-record investing. Watch the clip now.


In Experiencing the American Dream, Mark shares with you his opinions and recollections. That means the ideas Mark presents throughout this book are just one view. Others have different views, and Mark leaves it to you to judge and decide which approach will best help you meet your goals. Don’t take Mark at his word. Mark invites you to question, research, test, and challenge these ideas.

Also, you should remember that investing comes with risk, and every investor should think carefully about the risk they are prepared to take. Every investor should also know that past performance cannot tell you what future results will be. Even ideas and strategies that performed well previously have risk and can perform very differently in the future. This content is based on the views, opinions, beliefs, or viewpoints of Matson Money, Inc.  This content is not to be considered investment advice and is not to be relied upon as the basis for entering into any transaction or advisory relationship or making any investment decision.

Other financial organizations may analyze investments and take a different approach to investing than that of Matson Money. All investing involves risks and costs. No investment strategy (including asset allocation and diversification strategies) can ensure peace of mind, guarantee profit, or protect against loss.  


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