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  • Mark Matson on Fun Money and the Fate of Your Portfolio

    Mark Matson, Founder and CEO of Matson Money, was quoted in a recent MarketWatch article, ‘It’s addictive; it’s seductive, and you can destroy your future.’ Keep ‘fun money’ from ruining your investment plan. The article examines a popular trend among some investors: fun money. A fun money account is one that is reserved to play…

  • Mark Matson on Fox Business’ The Claman Countdown: There’s No Safety in Numbers

    Following a dismal year for some investors in 2022, what can they do to prepare for the year ahead? Watch Mark Matson on Fox Business’ The Claman Countdown to hear how he says investors can avoid making the same mistakes in 2023. Hint: It’s not picking the hottest tech stocks, cryptocurrency, or following the herd….

  • Mark Matson: When Everything is Uncertain, Anything is Possible

    Watch Mark Matson on Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo’s Wall Street to see why he says investors should be cautiously optimistic about the future  – regardless of Tuesday’s election results – and why they should diversify, stay long-term, and not bet against the market to help protect their financial future. DISCLOSURE: This content is based on…

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