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  • What Flying a Kite and Navigating Investing Has in Common

    With steady winds on a great day, kite flying can be the most magical experience for anyone. The kite can fly for long periods of time if the wind is steady and the kite flier is calm. The wind, however, can become unpredictable and gusty if the flier panics and pulls back the line, the…

  • The Rise of Digital Banking: How Technology is Changing the Financial Landscape

    Looking towards the direction the financial industry may be headed, where is the adoption of digital technology fitting into the space? Is paying with cash, having in-person meetings, and even going to an ATM becoming non-existent? Or are those things here to stay but with a twist on technology? Financial activity is already becoming increasingly…

  • Risky Business: How Understanding Risk Can Impact Your Financial Wellbeing

    Following a broadly volatile year, are investors still on a train plummeting toward financial distress in 2023? According to one study, 67% of Americans are more concerned about paying bills right now than saving for retirement; 82% worry rising inflation will continue to have a negative impact on their purchasing power; and 77% of those…

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